Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Looking Back - Mad City Marathon 2005 - Wisconsin

Mad City Marathon in Madison, State Capital of Wisconsin, was my 4th marathon of 2005. It was also 1 week after Clevland Marathon. This was my first time attempting to do 2 marathons in a single trip. The reason was that since it cost me quite a bomb to travel to USA, I might as well do 2 marathons instead of 1. Prior to arriving in Madision, I visited Wisconsin Dells, which had very nice, natural streams, etc. I spent 2 days there visiting the Lower and Upper Dells, and also took a ride on the duck tour.

Upon arriving at Madison, I realised I was getting kind of worried and anxious if I had made the right decision. Although I had recovered from my earlier marathon, I was still a bit sceptical if I should complete another one so soon. Needless to say, since I had signed up for the event, I was not about to give up. I could walk all the way if time permits. I told myself. That Friday, I visited the Botanic Gardens, then take a slow walk to the State Capitol Building for dinner. And on Saturday, I spend 1-hour touring the State Capitol Building and after that, went to the expo to collect my Bib. The Expo was a disappointment as it only had a few exhibitors. However, the Pasta Dinner organised by the event organiser was very well done. They had a speaker to talk to us about marathoning. And also some prizes to give out to the oldest 1st time marathoner, furtherst marathoner, etc. Needless to say, I got a prize for coming all the way from Singapore!

The weather on the day of marathon was good. I decided to wear a long-sleeve dri-tee as it was a little cold. And I was glad I made the right decision. I told myself no matter what happen, first and foremost, I had to enjoy this running experience. Thus, I did not exert myself much, just running at my own easy pace, and taking walk breaks at every 5 miles interval. This was a much easier route to run as there really wasn't many hills or slopes. We ran part of the route inside the Madison University campus, and other parts along the trail roads, which was good for my knees. Towards the last stretch, the route ran around the lake of the city. Thus, the weather became a little chilly. It also drizzled a little. Nevertheless, I managed to maintain my easy pace and I was able to complete my 4th marathon faster, with a net time of 5hrs 53mins 24secs, which is almost 20mins faster than Clevland Marathon a week earlier.

I spent the remaining time in Wisconsin staying with a friend's relatives, Dennis & Clarice Green. They had a huge farm in the small town of Footville, in Janesville, rearing cows and milking them, with an assistant, Jeffrey. I didn't expect to start doing chores in that evening after the marathon. But it was a great way to rapid recovery! In fact, I would say I recovered faster than I expected, probably I had to move around and "exercise" my upper & lower limbs! They even had a calf named Kelly (after me - although she was born a week after my actual birthday), which was given birth that morning prior to my arrival. (See below: Kelly & Kelly). I had such a wonderful time working in the farm although it was a lot of hard work. This was also the most exciting and memorable trip that I had ever made. : )

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